Blah Thingy is a collection of libraries and tools built on blah to help create 2D games in C++.
You can acces the repo here !
auto en = world->add_entity(point);
en->name = "player";
auto anim = en->add(Animator("player"));
Here, we simply add an Entity to a World and then adding a animator Component to it. Note that we can acces Entity’s and Component’s public fields and functions.
Each Component can provide a debugging display, used when the debug GUI is enabled.
You only have to create a derivated class from Component.
class Talkative : public Component
void awake() override;
void Talkative::awake() {
Log::info("I'm awake !");
A simple Component outputing a message when Entity is awake.
Maps can be created with Ogmo.
You can create map with collisions and slopes. Map name will be its position in the world. Entity position can also be set as so as Signal Boxes links through JSON files.
Ogmo map editor : Multiple layers, blocks and entities (the wide red rectangle is a moving platform with its path)
You can select an object from the list or in the game window and tinker with its Components values ! Created with Dear ImGui.
Every Components overriding the debug method can display info in the game window and/or in the right column.